Member Investment Program
Each year at least 48% of students attending Union receive some form of financial aid. The Association believes that no student should be prevented from joining or participating as a member in the Union College Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi for financial reasons. Associate Members and Members may apply for financial aid through this program which is jointly funded by the Chapter and the Association. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to academics, the Chapter and Union College. Applications must be approved by the Chapter Treasurer and President and the Alumni Treasurer. Applications are available from the Chapter Treasurer.
GPA Incentive Plan
Article V of The Covenant of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity states in part, "You do solemnly promise that so long as you shall belong to the college of which you are now a member, you will set up for yourself a high standard of intellectual attainment." In an effort to encourage achieving this objective, the Association alumni fund a scholarship program which provides monetary funds on a trimester basis to undergraduate members with a 3.00 term GPA or higher.
There are four tiers of awards:
White: 3.00 - 3.249 $ 50.00
Green: 3.25 - 3.499 $100.00
Gold: 3.50 - 3.699 $150.00
Black: 3.70 or higher $200.00
Qualifying members must provide the WebAdvisor login in criteria to the Alumni Treasurer to verify the term GPA. Login in criteria must be supplied not later than the end of the 3rd week of classes of the following term.