As a member based organization the Association relies solely on its alumni members in order to fulfil its mission, which simply stated, is the perpetuation of the Union College Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi. We have three distinct campaigns each yea: Annual Dues, Annual Fund Drive and The Scholarship Fund. Please support your Association as generously as possible.
Mailing Address for all checks: Union Association of Alpha Delta Phi, 67 Lakewood Avenue, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Alumni Dues are $15.00 annually. An "invoice" is sent in early July for this purpose. Dues are used to cover our basic operational expenses, such as alumni gatherings, communications to members, board meetings and travel and lodging expenses for our alumni delegate and alternate to attend the Fraternity's Annual Convention.
When sending your donation by mail, please make your check payable to
In a perfect world, every member would recognize his moral responsibility to pay it forward by paying his alumni dues. Unfortunately, some members are unable to do so for financial reasons. Our annual fund drive in September ensures that the Association will have the funds necessary to meet its basic operational needs each year.Additionally, this campaign provides funding for the Member Investment Plan which provides financial aid to members to assist them in meeting their financial obligations to the Chapter. Finally, while the College is responsible for the maintenance of Fero House and basic furnishings for bedrooms, the Association provides funds to enable the undergraduates to make improvements so the our Chapter House continues to be the best place to live at Union College.
When sending your donation by mail, please make your check payable to Union Association of Alpha Delta Phi.
Since 1999, the Association has provide scholarships to under-graduate members with a GPA of 3.00 or higher each trimester.
Each year in November we have a fund drive to raise at least $6,000.00 to support our Scholarship Fund. All contributions to the Scholarship Fund are deposited in our account at the Samuel Eells Literary and Educational Foundation (SELEF). As SELEF is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization, your contribution may be tax deductible.
Sending donations by mail, please make your check payable to SELEF.
You may also donate online by selecting "Donate Here" above. If doing so, please consider adding 3% to your donation to cover processing fees to make your contribution go even further.
Contact our Treasurer at Admin@UnionADPhiAlums.org or by using the Contact page of this web site.